Barrington Brewery

Barrington Brewery

Great Barrington, MA

Location, location, location. Yes, there is good beer and standard pub fare here, done well and with intent. Yes, Great Barrington is generally lovely. What makes Barrington Brewery really great though is that it is surrounded by trails. Literally right behind the location is a trail that you can access past the Berkshire South Regional Community Center that will take you to the paths in the Fountain Pond State Park. Across Rt 7 from the location is the Housatonic Flats Reserve, where I have done lots of loops on a wonderful floodplain. It is not that far from the AT either. As I said, location.

Ample parking. I do not know about the pups. I would get the pretzel. I would also bring your trail shoes. Have a blast and then have some food.


Housatonic Flats Reserve

Barrington Brewery