Prison City Brewing

Prison City Brewing

Auburn, NY

Camping is lovely. Good friends, clean air, the winds through the trees, and sleeping hard after a day spent hiking, running, and just being out in the sun is perfection for me. I love it. I used to dislike it, or at least I preferred a good hotel, but the pandemic changed things for me. Don't get me wrong, I still love a good hotel, but I don't mind sacrificing the comforts for the experience of the moment in the morning where the light is breaking, the birds have started their day, the steam is rising off your coffee, and you are filled with a world full of possibilities. It is a delight.

Anyway, we had a camping trip out in central New York. There were gorges and hikes and food and fun (and camping neighbors having loud relations). It was great. It was also hot and sticky. I needed a break. As we were packing up, I suggested that we make a stop on the way to our various homes and have a meal at Prison City Brewing in Auburn, NY. It overlooks the Auburn Correctional Facility, hence the name. Now this suggestion was made blindly as I had never been there before. I was made aware of the brewery because years ago we had the opportunity to attend the premiere of a television series called Brewed In New York and Prison City was one of the featured breweries. I was intrigued then and this was an opportunity.

So let me set the scene for you: There were eight of us. We were hot. We were sweaty. We were famished. We were relatively clean, for the end of a camping trip. The restaurant was able to seat us immediately and before we sat down, our server already had water at the table for us. Now this could be because we looked gross or it could be because they cater to weirdo runners (like me) and host a 5K, the Prison City Riot Run.

We got food because, again, famished. The pretzels, because of course, we did, were lovely. I had the Pub Burger and it was delicious and ample. I also go a flight of beers to taste the various styles and a couple of them I loved. Specifically Riot in '29.

There is craft beer (duh!), craft soda (YAY!), and a wide variety of other non-alcoholic beverages which is nice.

Good beer, good food, great service, great vibe.

There is a paid lot and ample street parking. We did not sit on the patio as it was warm but it looked very nice while having a lovely view of the prison. I do not know about dogs.


Prison City Brewing